Artificial Intelligence, Politics and Power
The research pillar Artificial Intelligence, Politics and Power analyses the transformation of civil society, the public sphere, and the state in the new age of artificial intelligence. The redefinition of institutions, interests and interactions are key components of this transformation. The increasing use of AI in decision-making processes affects the nature of accountability and transparency and changes the parameters of the distribution of power between the state and society. Therefore, what actors seek to achieve through political action, i.e. interests, takes on new meanings and forms. Similarly, interaction mechanisms, which can be defined as the set of relations between actors, are also being reorganised. For example, the use of AI in the public sphere creates new forms of political and social organisation with important implications for the future of democracy and civic participation. Studies have also shown that the advanced use of AI transforms the institutional structures that hold interests and interactions together. For instance, the development of new AI technologies challenges the traditional ways in which political systems are organised. Given these complex shifts, the AI, Politics and Power research pillar aims to contribute to a critical understanding of this transformation by uncovering the ever-changing relationships between state, society and public sphere that will shape the future of politics. This research strand is inspired by the Data Pollution and Power Project conducted in 2022 at the Sustainable AI Lab.

- The Data Pollution & Power - Initiative
2023 Pelin Ayan Musil and Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci, “Transnationalization of Opposition Strategy under Competitive Authoritarianism: Evidence from Turkey and Hungary”, Government and Opposition (SSCI)
2022 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci and Hakan Yavuzyilmaz “Party (De)institutionalization in Times of Political Uncertainty: The Case of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey” Party Politics (SSCI)
2020 Sebnem Yardimci Geyikci “Democratic Backsliding in a Second-Wave Democracy: The Strange Case of Turkey” APSA (American Political Science Association) Democracy and Autocracy Newsletter, 18: 3, pp.21-27.
2020 Berk Esen and Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “The Turkish Presidential Elections of 24 June 2018” Mediterranean Politics, 25: 5, 682-689. (SSCI)
2019 Berk Esen and Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “An Alternative Account of the Populist Backlash in the United States: A Perspective from Turkey” PS: Politics and Political Science, 52:3, 445-450. (SSCI)
2018 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci and Özlem Tür “Rethinking Tunisian Miracle: A Party Politics View” Democratization, 25:5, pp.787-803. (SSCI)
2015 Sebnem Yardimci Geyikci “Party Institutionalization and Democratic Consolidation: Turkey and Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective” Party Politics, 21:4, pp. 527-538. (SSCI)
2014 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “Gezi Park Protests in Turkey: A Party Politics View” The Political Quarterly, 85:4, pp. 445-453. (SSCI)
Other activities
2023 “Political Parties and AI” Open Practitioners’ Panel organized at ECPR Standing Group on Political Parties Summer School, August 2023.
2023 “Re-Imagining Common Goods in the Age of AI” Panel organized at COP27, UNFCCC, Sheirm-El-Shaih, Egypt, November 2022.