Dr. Şebnem Yardımcı Geyikçi

University of Bonn
Institute for Science and Ethics
Bonner Talweg 57
53113 Bonn
(September 2022)
Research Areas
AI and politics
Political institutions
Authoritarian regimes
Future of democracy
Digitalization of parties/party systems
Academic Education
2010 – 2013 PhD in Government, University of Essex, the United Kingdom
2007 – 2015 PhD in Political Science, Bilkent University, Turkey
2006 – 2007 MA in European Studies, University of Maastricht, the Netherlands
2002 – 2006 BS in International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Research Associate, University of Bonn, Germany, Institute for Science and Ethics -
August 2021- June 2022
Associate Professor Hacettepe University, Ankara- Turkey Department of Political Science and Public Administration -
August 2018- July 2021
Assistant Professor Hacettepe University, Ankara- Turkey Department of Political Science and Public Administration -
April 2014- July 2018
Assistant Professor TED University, Ankara-Turkey Department of Political Science and International Relations
Journal Articles
2023 Pelin Ayan Musil and Şebnem Yardımcı-Geyikçi. "Transnationalization of Opposition Strategy under Competitive Authoritarianism: Evidence from Turkey and Hungary." Government and Opposition (2023): 1-19.
2022 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci and Hakan Yavuzyilmaz “Party (De)institutionalization in Times of Political Uncertainty: The Case of the Justice and Development Party in Turkey” Party Politics (SSCI)
2020 Sebnem Yardimci Geyikci “Democratic Backsliding in a Second-Wave Democracy: The Strange Case of Turkey” APSA (American Political Science Association) Democracy and Autocracy Newsletter, 18: 3, pp.21-27.
2020 Berk Esen and Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “The Turkish Presidential Elections of 24 June 2018” Mediterranean Politics, 25: 5, 682-689. (SSCI)
2019 Berk Esen and Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “An Alternative Account of the Populist Backlash in the United States: A Perspective from Turkey” PS: Politics and Political Science, 52:3, 445-450. (SSCI)
2019 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “A Political Account of Protest Movements: The Case of 15M Movement in Spain”, Haci Bayram Veli Universitesi IIBF Dergisi 21 (3) , 683- 705. (TR-DIZIN)
2019 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci and Uğur Çil “Modernleşme teorisini yeniden düşünmek: Ekonomik kalkınma ve demokrasi ilişkisine eleştirel bir bakış” [Rethinking Modernization Theory: A Critical Perspective on The Relationship Between Economic Development and Democracy] OPUS, 11:18, 2996-3022. (TR-DIZIN)
2018 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci and Özlem Tür “Rethinking Tunisian Miracle: A Party Politics View” Democratization, 25:5, pp.787-803. (SSCI)
2018 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “The Importance of Inter-Party Relationships for Democratic Quality” Near Eastern University Journal of Social Sciences, 11:1. (TRDIZIN)
2015 Sebnem Yardimci Geyikci “Party Institutionalization and Democratic Consolidation: Turkey and Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective” Party Politics, 21:4, pp. 527-538. (SSCI)
2014 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “Gezi Park Protests in Turkey: A Party Politics View” The Political Quarterly, 85:4, pp. 445-453. (SSCI)
2011 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “The Impact of Parties and Party Systems on Democratic Consolidation: The Case of Turkey", the LSE Doctoral Discussion Papers.
2009 Torsten Selck, Sebnem Yardimci, Constanza Kathan “Still an Opaque Institution?: Explaining the Decision-Making in the European Council: A reply to Sullivan and Veen”, Government and Opposition, 44:4, pp.463- 470. (SSCI)
Book Chapters
2023 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci and Hakan Yavuzyilmaz “Nothing is different, but everything has changed: Looking at the Transformation of Party Politics in Turkey’s Centennial” in Alpaslan Ozerdem and Erdi Ozturk (eds.) A Companion to Modern Turkey's Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations Since 1923, Edinburg University Press.
2023 Şebnem Yardımcı Geyikçi “Polarization and elections under competitive authoritarianism: the case of Turkey after 2013” in Francesco Cava and Valeria Resta (eds.) Handbook on Elections in the Middle East and North Africa, London: Routledge.
2022 Şebnem Yardımcı Geyikçi, Berk Esen “Siyasi Partiler Çalışmaları Kapsamında PostKemalizm’i Yeniden Düşünmek” [Post-post Kemalism], in Post-post Kemalizm, İlker Aytürk ve Berk Esen (eds.), İstanbul: İletişim.
2021 Şebnem Yardımcı Geyikçi “Siyasal Parti Çalışmaları: Tarihsel ve Kavramsal bir Analiz” [Party Politics Scholarship: Historical and Conceptual Reading] in Sahin Karabulut (ed.), Siyaset Biliminde Geçmişten Günümüze Yaşanan Gelişmeler, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
2021 Hakan Yavuzyılmaz ve Şebnem Yardımcı Geyikçi “2002 Sonrası Türkiye’de Siyasal Partilerin ve Parti Sisteminin Dönüşümü” [Transformation of Parties and Party System in Turkey after 2002] in Sahin Karabulut (ed.), Kamu Yönetimi Bakımından Yerel ve Küresel Ölçekte Düşünceler ve Kurumlar, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
2018 Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci “Party System Institutionalization and Democratic Consolidation: The Case of Turkey” in Sabri Sayari, Pelin Ayan, and Özhan Demirkol (eds.), Party Politics in Turkey from a Comparative Perspective, London and New York: Routledge.
Fellowships, Awards And Honours (Selected)
2022 Young Scientists Award (BAGEP), Science Academy, Turkey
2020 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program Grant, (from February till August 2020), Visiting Associate in the Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies, University of Michigan
2019-2020 Individual Fellowship, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) (from September 2019 till January 2020)
2019-2020 The Swedish Institute Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Programme, Visiting Fellow at the Stockholm University Institute for Turkish Studies (from September 2019 till August 2020), declined
Invited Talks (selected)
“Protest movements and party politics: Southern Europe in comparative perspective”, University of York, virtual seminar, May 5, 2021.
“Democratic Survival in the Muslim World”, Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies (WCDE) University of Michigan, Panel, September 22, 2020, online.
“Protest Movements and Party Politics” Keynote, SPUI25, University of Amsterdam, January 16, 2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Conferences And Presentations (Selected)
“The Emergence of Competitive Authoritarian Regimes: Turkey and Hungary Compared” paper accepted to be presented at American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference, September 2021, online.
“Interaction between Protests and Party Systems in Southern Europe” paper presented at American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference, September 2020, online.
“The Dynamics of Party Politics in Hard Times and Challenging Contexts” Section Chair (composed of 8 panels), ECPR Virtual General Conference, August 2020. 5
“A Party Politics View on Contemporary forms of Democratic Backsliding and Autocratization”, Panel co-chair, ECPR Virtual General Conference, August 2020.
“The Emergence of Competitive Authoritarian Regimes: Turkey and Hungary Compared”, paper presented at ECPR General Virtual Conference, August 2020.
“Protest Movements and Electoral Politics: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective” paper accepted to be presented at Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Conference, April 2020, Chicago, USA (cancelled).
“Protest Movements and Electoral Politics: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective” paper presented at American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference, August 2017, San Francisco, USA.
“Political Party Failures and the Prospects for Democracy in Tunisia” co-authored paper presented at American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference, August 2017, San Francisco, USA.
“Crisis of Representation in Southern Europe: 15M Movement and Gezi Park Protests in Comparative Perspective”, paper presented at workshop “Democratic Theory Beyond Deliberation, New Approaches to Representative Democracy” organized in the University College Oxford, June 2017, Oxford, the UK.
“Gezi Park Protests: Debating the Terms of Politics, Democracy and Participation”, panel organized at Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, November 2014, Washington DC, USA.
“The Importance of Inter-Party Relationship for Democratic Consolidation: Southeast Europe in Comparative Perspective”, paper presented at American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference, August 2014, Washington, USA.
Professional Membership (selected)
Executive Board Member of Turkish Political Science Association (Siyasi İlimler Türk Derneği) (2021-2024)
Steering Committee Member, The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group on Political Parties (2019-2021, 2021-2023)