Reconstructing the Global Debate through Decolonial Lenses
23. - 24. May 2024
Venue: Institute for Science and Ethics (IWE), Bonner Talweg 57, 53113 Bonn, Germany
This event was recorded and is available on our YouTube channel. New videos are added every two weeks.

As AI development takes over headlines across the globe, it becomes clearer how such technologies have pushed societies toward further environmental exploitation and wealth and power concentration. Such development has often overlooked the diverse cultural, historical, and social contexts of marginalised communities, in particular Indigenous groups and those from the Majority World. To foster a multifaceted perspective on AI ethics, a pluriversal approach needs to be employed.
This two-day workshop “AI Ethics from the Majority World: Reconstructing the Global Debate Through Decolonial Lenses” offers a forum to discuss alternatives to the status quo of AI ethics. Hosted by the University of Bonn’s Institute for Sciences and Ethics, the workshop aims to advance a reconstruction of the proliferated perspectives of AI ethics, dominantly shaped by ethical standards from historically hegemonic groups in the Minority World, by examining the plural decolonial schools of thought that challenge the positions that have shaped AI development worldwide.
- Samuel Segun, African Observatory on Responsible AI (AORAI), South Africa [Abstract]
Deivison Faustino, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
- Modestha Mensah, University of Ghana, Ghana [Abstract]
- Husein Inusah, University of Cape Coast, Ghana [Abstract]
Dodzi Koku Hattoh, University of Ghana, Ghana [Abstract]
- Dylan Merrick, University of Saskatchewan, Canada [Abstract]
Melanie Cheung, Indigenous AI, New Zealand [Abstract]
Wakanyi Hoffman, The New Institute, Germany [Abstract]
- Erick Tambo, United Nations University, Cameroon [Abstract]